Quotation Explorer - 'Seth Adam Smith'

Depression thrives in secrecy but shrinks in empathy. - Seth Adam Smith
If you truly love someone, have the faith to 'let them go.' Encourage them to be the fullest measure of themselves, and you will be overwhelmed by the love that your spouse returns to you. - Seth Adam Smith
Marriage should liberate, not incarcerate. Real love shouldn't limit a person's potential, it should expand it. - Seth Adam Smith
To all who struggle with depression or suicidal thoughts: you are not alone. we are all on this journey together. I promise you that there is hope. Let us reach out to one another and walk together in the sunlight. - Seth Adam Smith
We simply can’t abandon ship every time we encounter a storm in our marriage. Real love is about weathering the storms of life together. - Seth Adam Smith
Life is difficult and painful, but if you keep moving forward the final destination makes all of the pain worth it. - Seth Adam Smith
Life is not trying to entertain us, it's trying to teach us. - Seth Adam Smith
If you're feeling discouraged and defeated—don't quit. Play on, hope on, and move forward. The music you play—even in the midst of incredible darkness—can and will turn the tide of your own battles. - Seth Adam Smith
One day, you will stand at the summit of a figurative mountain and look back on your life's journey. And, to your utter amazement, you will see how your experiences with depression, dark and painful as they were, only added to the overall beauty of your life. - Seth Adam Smith
Love without conditions. - Seth Adam Smith
Don't be afraid to be the person who loves the most - Seth Adam Smith
We may not be able to control what happens to us, but we can always control how we react. - Seth Adam Smith
Fear is destructive and defeating, but faith is constructive and creative. - Seth Adam Smith
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